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-    Familie Reider Dammweg 4, SEXTEN, Unterkunft, Zimmer mit Früstück, Privatzimmer Urlaub,    -
Sexten, Skitouren, Winterurlaub in Sexten

Ski tours

It is uniquely beautiful to draw your own trail through the vast, snowy mountain landscape. Although the climb is cumbersome and requires good condition, but who dominated the deep snow skiing, for which it is a wonderful feeling to make his turns through the infinite white. Anyone who is new to this field struggles. But in the spring, spring, when the snow turns hard, the climb is much easier and the departure easier for everyone.

Skitouren in Sexten Skitouren in Sexten Skitouren in Sexten Skitouren in Sexten

 snowshoening cross-countri skiing Alpin skiing
 hiking  tobogganing skitouring

Fam. Reider Dammweg 4, I-39030 SEXTEN
Tel.: (0039) 0474 710278     Handy: (0039) 346 7896231


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