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-    Familie Reider Dammweg 4, SEXTEN, Unterkunft, Zimmer mit Früstück, Privatzimmer Urlaub,    -
House     Reider
Bitte warten

Alpine skiing

With over 20 lifts and 60 kilometers of slopes, the Sextner ski areas are not among the largest, but thanks to the excellent slope preparations and the great panorama they have already been awarded as a top ski area. With the merger of Helm and Rotwand over the Stiergarten and its new slopes and cable cars, it has received an enormous improvement in quality.

Skifahren in Sexten Skifahren in Sexten Ski Alpin in Sexten Skifahren in Sexten

 snowshoening cross-countri skiing Alpin skiing
 hiking tobogganing skitouring
Fam. Reider Dammweg 4, I-39030 SEXTEN
Tel.: (0039) 0474 710278     Handy: (0039) 346 7896231


bitte warten - Wandern in Sexten