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-    Familie Reider Dammweg 4, SEXTEN, Unterkunft, Zimmer mit Früstück, Privatzimmer Urlaub,    -
House     Reider


On horseback or by carriage

Even horse lovers can indulge their passion in Sesto. Whether in the saddle over lush meadows, through shady coniferous forests or as a day trip along the Carnic ridge, the quiet Noriker horses and the lively Haflinger from the nearby stables are suitable for Beginners and advanced.

Approximately 10 minutes from our house there is a riding stable.

Reiten Sexten Dolomiten Hochpustertal

Advanced riders ride alone.

Reiten Sexten Dolomiten Hochpustertal

A horse-drawn carriage ride from Fischleinboden to Talschlusshütte is a great experience.

<<  Summer

Fam. Reider Dammweg 4, I-39030 SEXTEN
Tel.: (0039) 0474 710278     Handy: (0039) 346 7896231



frühling in Sexten Sommer in Sexten Herbst in Sexten Herbst in Sexten Winter in Sexten